My Comfort Column: The Blog Awards UK

An evening to celebrate and recognise all good stories that come from behind a desk, whilst staring at a computer screen and tapping away at a keyboard.

Incredibly, after 2000 blog entries and 73,352 votes… My Comfort Zone Challenge had been shortlisted to the final 10 in the ‘Most Innovative’ category.


It’s a far cry from where I’ve come from… 18 months ago I was just a crazy kid with a crazy idea. I only decided to write about my challenges as a commitment to the world to complete them all. I remember the day I was first described as a ‘blogger’… It took me back, I laughed at the description. I’d always thought that to be labelled a blogger, you’d have to write about fashion, beauty, health or travel. The event showed just how naïve I was. The world of blogging is quite incredible, the subject matter is wild and wonderful, and contrary to my initial impressions, limitless.
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In general, I worry about the future of writing. Like many, I believe that the standards of grammar are falling and the social media style of writing is taking over. Who knows, in 100 years emoji’s may substitute words and journalism only be portrayed in only 140 characters… Perhaps virtual interaction is killing how we communicate.
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However, that said, as I sat in the Big Friendly Giant themed Park Plaza, surrounded by professional and amateur writers, I soon realised the world is adapting and evolving. Blogging is something powerful and influential. It can only grow. I found myself inspired to improve and develop my writing. The one blog that particularly inspired me, was the Girl on Top by Laura Saudagaite. Laura tells her story of dealing with breast cancer and courageously shares how a young woman can both live and deal with an all consuming disease, without letting it stand in her way. Sadly, she passed away weeks before the event but through her blog, her words are everlasting, her message infinite.
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I didn’t win an award on the night, and to be honest, I didn’t expect too. The competitive side of me of course wanted to come home with something to put on my bedside table, but for me it was never about winning awards or gaining titles. I took on a personal challenge, and I’m proud to declare that I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone,  completed 52 challenges in 52 weeks, started a next set of challenges, raised over £2000 for 2 charities, found a love passion for writing and reached the finals of the UK Blog Awards. Safe to say, it’s been great so far.


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